Originally Posted By: DanteMoltisanti

Did you ever have any interactions with Ron Previte when he was hustling in the 1980s in AC as a corrupt security guard at the Tropicana after he was fired from Philly PD?

I told you (in a PM)I think what he did to me / us when he" got the go ahead from Stanfa to start leaning on people.

He would not show his face here in the 80's a guy like Nicky say what you want about him but he would have seen right through this guy ,and if he came back a second time that would have been it for him...

I really don't believe his stories from back then unless he was messing with regular folks at the casinos,he was not poking his head around here till when I said after Stanfa got in ...the 90's and he was pushing then .

Last edited by Serpiente; 05/19/15 11:29 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."