Keith O'Neill, 40, from Lissadell Drive, Drimnagh in Dublin had pleaded not guilty to murdering John Wilson, 35, on 28 September, 2012 at his home on Cloverhill Road, Ballyfermot Dublin 10.

John Wilson was shot twice in the hallway of his house more than two years ago.

The two-week trial heard that the daughter of the deceased told Gardai in a statement: "I just heard 'bang bang bang' - I could see my dad rolling around. I feel a little bit sad and a little happy because my dad is away from the bad boys now".

The Central Criminal Court heard that the deceased had driven to his home with his seven-year-old daughter and a friend when a gunman entered his house through the open front door and shot him from behind.

The Dublin man received two gunshot wounds to the left arm and to the chest, fatally injuring internal organs.

Conor Devally SC prosecuting today confirmed with Detective Inspector Colm O'Malley of Clondalkin Garda Station that a vehicle drew up outside Mr Wilsons house on 28 September.

"A person came out of the newly arrived vehicle who in the eyes of Mr Wilsons daughter appeared to have some form of coverage on his face. A weapon was discharged six times hitting Mr Wilson twice - one of those shots caused massive blood loss," he said.

"The gunman made good his escape, jumping into the back of a vehicle. Items were found in a nearby burnt out vehicle which included items that had been purchased by the accused," he said.

"Shortly thereafter the accused, having shed one garment, got a lift back to Ballyfermot where he joined his family in a local chipper. He then went to Liffey Valley shopping centre - having changed in the shopping centre, when he got home he endeavoured to dispose of runners, jeans and socks and was seen disposing of them in a skip," continued Mr Devally.

"Examination affirmed there was gunshot residue on the jeans. There was evidence that there was petrol vapour emanating from the socks. Mr O'Neill was detained and he denied his involvement," he said.

The jury were shown CCTV footage of what Gardaí identified as both the accused man and the deceased at a shop on Cherry Orchard Avenue hours before the shooting.

Neighbour of the deceased, Robert McHugh previously described hearing the gunshots.

"I remember hearing gunshots - I looked out the window and seen a hooded figure come out the door. I couldn't see his face - his face was covered," he said.

"I made my way towards the house - his daughter was trying to get into the house. She was upset and I stopped her going into the house. John was lying on the ground struggling to breath," he said.

The court heard that Dublin Fire Brigade attended and an advanced paramedic from the HSE took over. Resuscitation was continuous for over an hour and when there was no change, it was decided to cease resuscitation.

Taking to the stand State Pathologist, Professor Marie Cassidy told Conor Devally that the fatal injury was the gunshot wound to the chest which injured internal organs.

The jury of five women and seven men deliberated for three hours thirty-nine minutes over two days before reaching a unanimous verdict.

Mr Justice Tony Hunt told the jury he would make no observations on their verdict.

"It is entirely sensible based on the evidence I heard. I am not going to speculate as to what the background of this case is," he said.

"I will proceed to pass the mandatory life sentence and express sincere sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of Mr Wilson and in particular his daughter."

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