Originally Posted By: JCrusher
Originally Posted By: mackinblack007
How is a man from the greatest generation not a lose? I have enough empathy and understanding to know not everybody grew up like me. They dont make em like Little Nicky no more, and never will.

This isnt some idol to look up to. Like i said to you in a previosu post we all find mob history interesting BUT nobody respects or shall i say SHOULDNT respect these type of people. especially Nicky who was a psychopath

So now you speak for everybody on the board? What gives you the right to decide what morals are acceptable? You have a point to what you are saying but if I had to guess I'd think a lot of people here would love to get involved in some sort of low level racket...It's exciting, why do you think wiseguys get into the life in the first place besides money? As far as respect goes, I think that depends on the individual.