Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Yo Gents, Maybe we have some health issues where conversation might be of interest or help. (Don't let the name fool you, I'm a guy).

Recently I have been diagnosed with Spermatocele, an enlargement in the scrotum. Read below for a brief description. You can google it on webmd. I've had it for about 5 years and its been getting bigger. It might be time to get it taken care of. I'm going for an ultrasound next week. I had an ultrsound 4 years ago and it was found to be non-cancerous. Let's hope it stays that way. Anyone have any experience with this condition?

What is a spermatocele?
A spermatocele (epididymal cyst) is a painless, fluid-filled cyst in the long, tightly coiled tube that lies above and behind each testicle (epididymis camera.gif). The fluid in the cyst may contain sperm that are no longer alive. It feels like a smooth, firm lump in the scrotum on top of the testicle.

Good Luck MC, my Friend Jerry at he Beer Disto had ths same isuue, he is fine.

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I've never had one, MC. But from what I've heard, they don't tend to become cancerous over time. Just bigger. So don't sweat it, and just get it taken care of. NOW. Because the bigger it gets, the more it will affect your quality of life (including your golf swing).

I have to stop by my parish tomorrow. There's a Saint Thérèse statue with a candle offering. So expect some roses as a sign of good things to come (What, you think I'd forget a fellow Catholic's favorite Saints? wink ).


Originally Posted By: getthesenets

No experience or knowledge of the condition but definitely follow what the Dos Equis guy said and get it checked out pronto. Just remember that the only thing that gives orders in this world is smile smile

Good, I will go soon as well. I started peein in three directions....just onc a week or so.


Be Loyal, Be Loving, Be Quiet.