Pmac : Not after the late 60's as far as I know.
The brothers were here often in the summer,and there family.
I am not sure if they all got along ,cos you would see one brother and his family at a time.

The people that would come and go from Philly and NY would make your head spin.
The apartment building was big and in the summer you had the family coming and going and not just one,this is way before Nick became boss.

I am talking 25 kids at a shot ,then the next week 25 more it was crazy and they were not the type to share exactly who was who.

But the uncles were great people and the whole family loved to have card games ,and thats were I go to speak to them.

Here is a piece of info Anthony (Tony Buck ) told me that I never here or herd since , is that Nicky and Bruno got made at the same time or the same year.He did not just say it out of the kindness of his hart.
He was pissed at something said about Bruno .(I think even back then there was a little heat.

But as far as the Piccolos kids and grands being made I did not here that, and later when Phil got involved I did not see any of them around him. (and they would have)

The uncles would hang with Skinny D'Amato and the Cammarota's when they would come down in summer, Skinny had the 500 club here in Ducktown...

And like I said not after the late 60's cos before there were many and a bunch were made ,cousins and nephews .

The family is or was big ,they are also married into the Grande's and one or two other mob guys in Philly.(Big family)

Last edited by Serpiente; 05/22/15 03:16 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."