Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
toodoped, I have the understanding that henry ford, and George bush 1 [his father] were close to the third reich, and helped hitler gain power, I know that some companies and ford was one of them were compensated by our government with millions of dollars that they had lost when Germany went to war.

I also have heard that zyclon b gas the gas that killed jews, was made by a subsidiary of general motors. also that joseph kennedy was called back to the U.S. during the war and was told he was no longer was the ambassador to the the court of st. james because of his Nazi views.

correct me if I am wrong with any of these rumors.

I dont know about Bush but Henry Ford was quite close with the Third Reich. Hitler even had a picture of Ford in one of his private offices.Your're also right about Joe Kennedy, he didnt hate the Nazis. He admired how they operated and controlled their people. He always said to the British that they should get along with the Nazis. He always had an idea that the jews should be taken care off and sent to Africa. While leaving England some of the people near him were yelling "Run rabbit run!"

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.