Yes and you got those listed names from who, oh yeah me. We can argue this for ever Wiseguy, I stated the last time we went through this that there were 23 made members left and gave you the list. Now subtracting the number that have died since I gave you the last list the number is now 16 +/- 2. The FBI has never released a report indicating the size of the family. At their largest they were said to have had 40 or so members.
John Scritino
Pete Simone
Willie Cammisano Jr.
James Moretina
John Calia
Paul Varsalona
Vince Civella
Jerry Cammisano
Vince Piscotta
Pete Ribasti
Joe Ragusa
Paul Silvio
Nick Labruzzo
John Mandacina
Angelo Porrello
Joe Porrello
Anthony Simone
There are few others but I am not sure of their standing so they are not listed
Nate Brancato
John Glorioso
John Cuezze
Not all of those named are active, some are in prison, some very retired. As I stated there is not really a family operating the boss and underboss position is ceremonial, done more for respect.