Alfa thinks Carl Gambino was an informant

All credibility went out the window when he said that.
Tommy Gambino, are you capable of a serious discussion?
I have a few questions for you.
If Lucky Luciano was freed from prison due to the influence of Navy Intelligence and OSS, the forerunner of CIA, do you think they set him free because they liked him? Or maybe they set him free because there was monetary gain in it for them?
If there was, where do you think the monetary gain was coming from? Drugs maybe?
Now, if Carlo Gambino was visiting Lucky Luciano in Italy, do you think it was just to bring envelopes of money, or to say "hi"? No it wasn't, was it. It was to carry out some sort of confidential talk. What do you think that talk pertained to? Could it have been drugs? Heroin to be exact? Maybe working out the pipeline of trafficking?
Is it starting to dawn on you that Carlo Gambino possibly shared the same intelligence contacts as Lucky Luciano?
No? If it isn't dawning on you, you're a senseless individual.