achieved more wealth than Luciano ever dreamed of
Turnbull, you do realize that both Carlo and Luciano shared the same source of profit in their most lucrative racket...heroin?
Many people, especially after many of these writers have come out to diminish Luciano's criminal scope,
many see Luciano as sort of a retired mafia boss when he was in Italy. Utterly untrue. He was still in the mafia, and he was making boatloads of money the whole time he was out in Italy. How do you know this exactly? What is your source, also who is the source this info came to whichever author you read this from?
There is a lot wrong with what you've said here as far as I can tell. First of all is your attempt to diminish the fact that Carlo died in his bed without spending much time in prison. I honestly had to read what you said three times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Carlo decided not to go to jail because he was afraid he didn't have the power to get released? That's a half baked theory if I've ever seen one

I know I'm being a bit crazy here, but how about Carlo like most people didn't want to go to prison because its fucking horrible? I'm under no illusions that Carlo was some supreme all powerful gangster that completely owned NYC, but I fear you may believe in the same sense on Luciano.
As Pizzaboy has said a million times these "vs threads" are fucking pointless. Still the "mafia jerkoff circle" that was forming here was too hard (no pun intended) to ignore.