On a personal level Padrone, your obviously a good guy (and one of the 20% who actually hold a passport and have actually seen some of the world), however.....(!) it sounds like in your line of work, your only going to hear good things about the US-every person you work with obviously wants to live there, so, arguably, its not really a balanced view you'll get. Im sure on your travels years back, people were no doubt generally happy where they were living - Im not sure about 60% of the world trying to get to the US...the migration levels from North Africa and middle eastern countries into Europe is at epidemic levels - not by those who would comfortably obtain a green card either I might add.

I think if you asked all the people you mentioned where they would want to live, they would say their home country immediately. Unfortunately, in many cases, due directly as a result of American foreign policies past and present, their home country is a disaster zone-look at half of latin america (Ive posted about Kissenger at length here) and obviously most of the middle east. Im obviously not saying this is the problem in every case, however, if the US was as good at facilitating economies - in line with the rest of the UN - it was at destroying countries, we'd all be in a better place.

We never, ever, went to Iraq to "kill terrorists", thats a naive statement at best. We went there on a lie, in the ignorant assumption that a puppet government could be created and installed (see Latin America) and obviously, and without any hindsight needed, ended up creating thousands more terrorists - don't you see that? How on earth do you think invading a country to "kill terrorists" would ever work? Name me one time it ever has. Especially a country already divided by religion and a region which lives in an entirely different way to western countries.

How come we're not invading Africa to save the thousands of christians being killed by the Isis off-shoot, boko haram? Again, another group who's motives are fuelled and given credence directly as a result of failed US foreign policy