Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
@killing joke

Is Britain still mostly white? I thought the vast majority of native Britons were white while there was a 4 or 5% Muslim minority along with Indians, East Asians, and blacks.

And do you believe England can integrate Muslims into British society successfully?

Britain is for the most part white. I think close to 80% is White British, about 10% is from another White European background, while 5% is Black and 6-7% is from a South Asian background (and this also includes people from a hindu and sikh background, not solely muslims). But the thing with minorities is that they're incredibly concentrated in the big cities (which is the case throughout the whole of Europe), which makes it seem as if there are more ethnic minority people living in the country than the indigenous population itself.

As for the ENTIRE Muslim community being perfectly integrated in British (or European for that matter) society... It speaks for itself that there are well integrated individuals, but the entire community...I doubt that'll happen in my lifetime. It will take some time.