First off, even though he says he's not posting anymore, I want to preface this by saying that Hairy Knuckles is
THE most dedicated researcher I've ever had the pleasure of meeting online. We email each other offsite and I consider him a real friend, even if we've never actually met face to face. But I have to stand by my position that Farby (young Farby) was made around '71 or '72.
The Serpicos were from Corona, but Farby's father (also nicknamed Farby), ended up very close to Buckaloo when he was at his peak. And Buckaloo and Fat Tony did what they had to do to get him his button and put him into 116th. Now, to be clear, I'm talking about the Farby that ended up acting for Chin after he went away in '97. He died a few years later real young. I don't think he even made sixty.
I made the distinction between the Farbys because, believe or not, there were four of them. Two first cousins named Frank Serpico, both nicknamed Farby, who both had sons named Frank Serpico, also nicknamed Farby. And you wonder why FBI agents from Oregon could never get a handle on these guys
