Cleveland Photos
Anthony "Tony" Milano-Longtime Cleveland Boss/Underboss, former head of the Mayfield Road Mob

John Scalish, longtime (Front) Boss of Cleveland

Angelo "Big Ange" Lonardo-Former Underboss, cooperated

James "Jack White" Licavoli-Capo/Short lived Boss

John DeMarco, Underboss to Scalish

Calagero "Leo Lips" Moceri- Underboss for one year under Licavoli

Anthony "Tony Dope" DelSanter-Consigliere under Scalish

Milton "Maishe" Rockman-The Meyer Lansky of Cleveland and brother in law to John Scalish

Anthony "Tony Lib" Liberatore- Capo

John "Peanuts" Tronolone- Cleveland Liason to NY and longtime Consigliere