Vic was in jail at the time of the hit, once out he rebuild what he could, he had quantity rather quality. The Cotroni family was building, but was in the shadow of the Rizzuto family. Now once Frank Cotroni passed away in 2004, a few of the top guys started to plot against Vito as he was in the states due to Massino flipping. What remains of that family is fighting both Emanuel and Rocco of the Rizzuto family. There have been many sitdowns, Vito even made peace with other families before he died, but the Rizzuto are still weak from the loses they took. This war can be traced all the way back to 2006, it just didn't become open till Nick was killed and Paul went missing. The Cotroni family had the most to gain from the Rizzuto misfortunes. Don't trust Wikipedia. No one really knows how many Rizzuto and Cotroni have in made men, but Vitale and Vito had a meeting were Rizzuto had 20 made members. The Canadians had the Cotroni pegged at a dozen made men about 30 associates. In total before the war l, there were 40 to 50 made man belonging to different families in Montreal. The last casualty so far was a Cotroni family member, while a Rizzuto escaped a gunfight.

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green