Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: DuesPaid
Going to the range today to practice.

Is there a particular aspect of your game that you need to improve? If it's a general shotmaking issue then I would suggest going to the range with one club. A nine iron. Get your swing down and get your rhythm going. The swing doesn't change depending on your club (your stance will change, though).

Good advice. A nine iron or a PW. Then work your way up the ladder, one club at a time, on each trip to the range.

Hell, I'm not a great golfer by any means. But when I'm "playing" (meaning three rounds a week, plus a trip to the range), I'm about a 12 handicap, give or take. When I'm not "playing," I could easily go out and shoot 100.

If you're not a pro (and it's truly a God given talent, don't let anyone kid you), you have to play or you're gonna be stuck in the high 90's or low 100s, at best.

But back to SC's advice. Take it. Work your way up to a five iron (forget the 3 and 4 irons, they're dated and useless to a weekend golfer). Then get yourself a hybrid, a 7 wood and a 5 wood. And THEN worry about your driver (and buy a "friendly" driver, there are scores of them on the market today).

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