Never looked it up, but if I had to guess OC is probably tackled jointly by the RCMP and CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service).

I believe any police work that's not handled municipally is the realm of the RCMP, so they're sort of a cross between the FBI and state troopers. CSIS is sort of like the CIA, but it's a civilian organization and I don't think they do any actual law enforcement and/or "military" operations.

However, there is no RCMP in Ontario or Quebec, who have their own Provincial Police forces... Which is also where most of the OC occurs.... So who knows, might be the RCMP there or the OPP and QPP respectively. Depends on what they're funded for, I guess. If they have no budgets for surveillance, and they might not, since their primary function is to serve as police forces in areas that have no municipal law enforcement, then it's probably the RCMP across the nation.

Or all three get their information from CSIS and act according. One thing I've learned about Canada is that anything involving government agencies has to be needlessly complicated and poorly explained.

EDIT: OC is definitely not a new issue here, it's just one we're not very good at tackling, unless it's bikers. We're pretty good at shutting them down. But as far as Italian OC is concerned, we're light years behind the US. Even Vito Rizzuto was taken down on a murder he committed in the US. That's kind of sad, honestly. I've always suspected there's quite a bit of corruption in the QPP, but I don't have any evidence to back that up with.. Just seems like they're ALWAYS content to sit on their hands until there's a public outrage.

Last edited by slumpy; 07/09/15 06:23 PM.