i read once that tommy gambino was worth approx $70 million legally. tommy married frances lucchese, daughter of tommy.
His brother Joe is worth just as much, so it probably didn't have much to do with marrying Lucchese's daughter.
It's crazy when you think about it, Moussie the Philly UB got like 20 years for fucking poker machines few years back. Gambino brothers extorted the garment district for how long? And they only did a few years ad living free with there money.
Did Mousie plea bargain and have 12 million in cash to pay the government?
He went to trial and lost. And an even if did plea out, I doubt he could "show" a million, let alone 12 (and don't forget the "reparations" the Gambino brothers paid their "victims").
Don't forget, when you pay a large government fine, you
MUST be able to "show" where it comes from. Money makes the world (and the Government) go around

Apples and oranges, though.