A partial copy and paste or what I posted in a thread that I'm no longer posting in.
The guys who live modest lifestyles in the Genovese Family---even the millionaires---outnumber the guys who "live it up" by ten to one. That's how they groom their guys. Cirillo is the standard, the other guys you mentioned are exceptions.
How about Ernie? Lives right around the block in Locust Point. He's about the heaviest Westsider in the Bronx right now. Small house. Same deal as Dom. How about Benny Eggs, even though he's retired? Made millions, lived like any other old man downtown. Or Joe Sass? Or Ross? Or Al G? Or Louie D? Or Sammy and his kid? Or Ralphie B? Or Fritzy? Or Rom and Tony? How about any of them? A few of them live very comfortably, but they don't show off. But you wouldn't know any of that from, New Zealand, is it?
And for the record, Barney doesn't "live it up." His home was decorated beautifully on the inside but it was modest on the outside. And the furnishings were his wife's doing, God rest her soul. His condo in Bal Harbour was gorgeous, but so what? That's Florida. A million down there will buy you a palace. And since his wife passed away, the guy could go live in a studio apartment and it wouldn't bother him a bit. But he's very close to his adult kids and grandkids, so he kept the house in Westchester.
True that with the second homes nicer then the first.
They just have class not" to go and add 3000sq ft on there house they have been in for years .
It is just being a good neighbor type thing...