Originally Posted By: jasonSP
The reason I ask is because I used to skate in downtown Manhattan and write graff all over the city. But my favorite spot was going into the bx because a lot of guys were shook I went with but I loved it.

138th to 149th, East of Park Avenue, encompasses THE poorest zip codes in the United States. And if it wasn't for Lincoln Hospital, the traffic it brings in, and the revenue that it generates for some poor locals who work there in menial positions (porters, etc.), the area would be a disaster area all together.

Tiny history lesson: That area was heavily Jewish and Italian many, many years ago. Lots of private houses. When Lincoln Hospital came in and paid some of those owners three times what their homes were worth, it enabled them to "move on up." Life is timing.

But today? There's tons of foot traffic during the day, so it's safe enough to walk. But I wouldn't walk that neighborhood after dark on a bet. And I'm licensed to carry a firearm lol.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.