Yeah, I've been posting for months now that the power has clearly shifted out east into Queens. Even Johnnie Joe--who's liked and respected MUCH more in the Bronx than The Nose--sent his people out that way. He comes home about a year after Mancuso. That's five years down the road, which is an eternity in the street, but unless the whole thing collapses, he'll come home with a lot of say.

He won't be able to move the power back to the Bronx. But the power in that family was never really in the Bronx to begin with. Massino only beefed up that crew as a favor to George and Fat Patty and it turned out to be a big mistake. Probably the biggest mistake that he made as boss (except for ratting lol).

The high profile Basciano years have mislead a lot of people into believing that the Bonannos were bigger in the Bronx than they actually were. And that's not a knock on Vinny, but it is what it is.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.