Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
No he wasn't. Arcadi wasn't kicking up to anyone, let alone NY. Before Vito went to prison he severed ALL ties with the Bonannos and built his family as an independent one.

Not to mention the very small, minor detail that there's no way in Hell that the other American families would allow them to have a Canadian boss. Every crime becomes International, Interpol gets involved, and it attracts heat to people who don't need the aggravation. Besides, the Rizzuto/Bonanno relationship was over BEFORE Vito died. No one shed a tear in New York when Montagna got an early Thanksgiving present, which speaks volumes. Talk about a sacrificial lamb (which is ironically an Easter dinner whistle).

They can pick up the pieces if they keep doing what they're doing: Look to the old timers for leadership, and keep the lion's share of the activity out of the Bronx (where they were always a distant fourth to begin with).

Spot on, PB. Like I said before, The Bonanno/Rizzuto relationship had been dissolved before Vito even went to prison. And Vito himself was pretty adament about driving that home to the rest of his guys during his time on the street before Massino ratted him out, after the Sciascia murder. And it wasn't just Vito, none of his top guys, including Arcadi, trusted a Bonanno after that and Vitale lying to them about what had happened.