Originally Posted By: cookcounty
jersey can't control their own states which is kinda pitiful

The DeCavs being the weakest crime family in New Jersey reminds me of how the Brits always lose at Wimbledon and The British Open. I have lots of Brit friends here, so don't shoot the messenger! grin

@Cook: I got the DVD in the mail Saturday. I already watched some of the "extras." I'm a fucking geek for production notes and DVD extras. It's gonna be too hot to go anywhere tomorrow because my Dad won't use the mini oxygen tank (on top of everything else, he has infrequent bouts of COPD during extreme weather).

Anyway, it looks like a perfect day for "Menace II Society." wink

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.