The BK guys must be having a hard time getting rackets up and running after falling in-line with Vic-Gas .
I would think most would keep them at arms distance.
Then it is always possible that the life has passed them by ,coming out to a different world..

As far a the feds putting the old bosses at the top is done for a few reasons .
They have not herd different, and if they did and it was not front page news the feds don't want to get caught with there pants down.
They will call the old boss the boss,the new boss the underboss,the guy that is probably the real boss the streetboss WHO KNOWS !
They do not want to be wrong,just like the weather man ,on a sunny day they say sunny with passing clouds .The other guy will say partly sunny with full sun at times.

They don't want to be wrong ! why ?
All the talk it makes ,they must laugh...

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."