Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Well, since some of us clearly disvalue the words of two renowned Canadian OC reporters, lets follow the word of the rat Vitale...

- As of the meeting in Montreal with the Bonanno admin consisting of Vitale, the underboss and Anthony Urso, Massino's consigliere and the Rizzutos, Sciascias murder had alienated Massino from The "Sixth Family", physically and emotionally, because with both LoPresti & Sciascia dead, there were no Montreal emissaries based in NY for Massino to go to.

- Massino sent them up there with the hopes of naming Vito, the new Captain of the Montreal faction. Vitale, claims that Vito scoffed at this idea and suggested to him that his 77-year old father, be named captain, something the NY guys didn't want, something Vito was well aware of.

- The author notes that the indifference Vitale and Urso received from Vito, seemed to mark the severing of ties between Montreal and NY. This was in 2001.

- Vitale really had no idea what Montreal was up to, and as an extension, neither did Massino. Vitale claims a captain, is supposed to have up to 10 soldiers in his crew, with as few as 3. Going by that, Vito was clearly offended with this Capo offer, when he commanded twice as many "made" Bonanno members in Canada and perhaps even more Sicilian Mafioso, who had strictly Rizzuto ties, no Bonanno ones. Vito told Vitale that with Sciascias death, 19 made men stood with him. A number that only included those who were made in America, and excluded the guys Vito and his father brought over and inducted themselves.

- Vitale having to ask, how many made men stood with Vito, also supports the fact of the Rizzutos independence. For had they had actually been subordinate to NY, then surely those names would've been known to Massino beforehand. They weren't.

- And here's the nail in the coffin to this Rizzuto kicking up until Massino flipped argument. "I think the last time I was in their presence when they brought money down was approximately '98,'99" Vitale said of the Montreal gangsters." He goes on to say that Montreal MAY have continued to tribute, but that he had no evidence of it and thus could not be sure.

An RCMP report also supports this, in which it states, "After the murder of Sciascia, the envelopes stopped coming from Canada."

Vitale was explicitly told by Vito, "We're our own little family, there's about 18, 20 of us and we stay by ourselves and everybody respects everybody else." Vitale got the message, because when he got back to NY, he told Massino, "They have their own little splinter group".

All of what I just stated, comes directly, more or less word for word from the Sixth Family book. Vito wasn't kicking up to NY anymore after Sciascias murder.

The person that wrote the Sixth Family Book, he got all that directly from Vitale?

Just to be clear,Vitales statements about Massino's entreaty to Vito to be made Caporegime was told by Vitale in the USA V. Patty DeFillipo trial in '06 and supported by confidential police files. The end of the tributes from Montreal to NY comes from a private RCMP briefing, the authors (Lee Lamothe & Adrian Humphreys) were clearly granted access to. The statements Vito made to Vitale about Montreal being its own Family were revealed by Vitale in USA V. Vincent Basciano on March 1, 2006.

Thanks for the info, like I said I've read little of the Bonnano-Rizzuto saga, really interesting stuff.

Is there not a transcript of Vitale & Massino testimony similar to Scars available online?
think I've got the vitale one somewhere , never seen the massino one though