Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
And Lee Lamothe & Adrian Humphreys got all that from Vitale, yes. Because it all comes from his statements made to Law Enforcement and his testimony during the Rizzuto/Three Captains trial. Should those sources be questioned too?

All sources should be questioned, especially informers.

In an earlier post you said Vitale was blowing smoke.

In regards to someone stating that he kicked up to Massino until Massino flipped. I also said if he actually said that.

His quotes made during various testimonies don't support that though. All I've seen is him stating the '98-'99 thing. I don't see much reason to question things like RCMP reports and court testimony, at least not when there's evidence to support it.

So if Vitale would've said that the Rizzutos continued to pay tribute you think he would be blowing smoke? Does that mean that you choose what statements you want to believe and what not? Just curious.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."