Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
For me

Philly (was rebuilted under Ligambi)

Decavalcante (although it must suffer the competition of five families and philly)


Detroit (20-30 made men are enought in a city were the white are the 20 % of the population)


Detroit - People often insist on calling the Detroit family "stable," as if little or no news means as much. Actually, it's more the opposite. The Detroit family is unstable because of attrition. 30 members estimated by the feds back in 2001. Around 20 members/possible members have died since that time. Do the math. Little else besides bookmaking at this point. As such, I wouldn't even include it on a list of families outside NY at this point. In my opinion, there are only really 9 viable families left - the 5 NY families and the ones below.

New Jersey - Latest estimates put them at 40-50 members with a relatively low number of associates - about 50 according to the 2004 NJ OC report. They would be at the bottom of my list simply because for decades they operated within a rather narrow nich - the Laborers Union and construction industry in New Jersey. Their "cash cow" (LIUNA Local 394) was put under oversight almost a decade ago, though only time will tell how successful it is. But with their decreased clout in the union and construction, the family is left grabbing what it can while operating among the bigger NY family crews also active in the state. The relative lack of significant cases since the massive busts in the late 1990's/early 2000's says more about the state of the family than the recent bust.

New England - Recent estimates put the family at 40-50 members and around 100 associates. You have at least a couple dozen in Boston. Another dozen in Providence. A few in Connecticut. I'm not sure why some are so quick to write this family off or put it at the bottom. It's been as active as any outside NY in recent years. It's main involvement in gambling in the forms of bookmaking and video poker. It's had the most involvement in drugs of any family outside NY, though all non-NY families are small players in the drug trade at this point. Extortion of independent bookies and strip clubs. They've still had some involvement in the Laborers Union.

Philadelphia - Recent estimates put it at 40-50 members and around 100 associates. The family is basically a street operation at this point, i.e. bookmaking, video poker, peripheral involvement in drugs, theft, etc. Not really anything as far as labor racketeering to speak of. As far as that goes, that would be reason enough to actually put New England ahead of Philadelphia. But what Philly has going for it is the surprisingly large number of young prospective guys it can replenish it's ranks with. And that will help stave off general attrition.

Chicago - Recent estimates put the family at 25-30 members and a little over 100 associates. That basically puts the Outfit as the same size as New England or Philadelphia, just with the member-to-associate ratio being a little different. It's involvement in gambling is the same - bookmaking and video poker. Very little involvement in drugs and only on the periphery. What one could argue still puts it at the top of the list of families outside NY is it's residual involvement in the Teamsters Union, interests in legitimate businesses like trucking companies, involvement in the trade show industry, etc.


I didn't realize the DeCavalcantes have only 50 associates. That is an extremely low number.