Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
faithful. alfa, I think we all know that mental health is a touchy issue, the reason being, judging a person on the basis of a crime he may commit.

as mental imbalance has a wide interpretation. almost anyone at any particular time can have anger issues, as road rage.

can you ban someone from owing a gun based on a chance he may commit road rage?

is it legal to arrest someone or deny them a weapon based on what they might do?

You can only do that in fiction, like Minority Report. In real life it's different.

What I think would decrease shootings is to deal with them where they happen most often: in inner cities. Find the good, law-abiding people, organize them, arm them and train them, then deputize them. Get the people who actually live in the communities involved. Remember, gun control restrictions in this country were put in place to keep blacks from using them in the Jim Crow South.