Any of my fellow Southern Californians (I know there's a few; A-Girl, X, Faithful) experience any encounters with coyotes lately? There's been several attacks in the last couple months. They claim the drought and construction/land movement may be the reason. I have, in the past, mostly heard sounds coming from the mountains and every now and then I'd see one walking in the field at a distance BUT I never had an up close personal experience.

I live by a Forest area where they are clearing some land to build homes. Yesterday morning I heard what must of been a herd (if that's the proper term for a group) coming from the mountains as I was out for my early morning run. It was very loud. Plus I have a little dog and I'd hate to have them attack her. That would be horrible.
I always thought they ran from people, but reading/hearing recent events, I may do as they say and take a stick with me just in case. TIS The Coyote killer. Ha ha ha
TIS I'm in Fountain Valley near Mile Square Park. One morning my daughter is letting one of our dogs out to our back yard to do his business when she saw a coyote! He quickly ran away, but our dog is little and if she didn't see that coyote it could have been the end of him.
A couple years back at work in Costa Mesa, near Harbor and Fair, I was parked at Fairview Developmental Center waiting in my car for something and this guy was walking near the parking lot by the administration building and all of a sudden this coyote walks in front of him. This one didn't run away like most of them; it acted like it wanted to play with him!
But to what you said, individually they normally run away, but when they're in packs it's a different story. They can act like a pack of wolves. Smaller and not as dangerous, but they'll attack an adult human when they pack up. There's been a big increase in the population over the past several years because Animal Control doesn't kill them like they used to. They are basically wild dogs, but not as vicious. When raised from pups they can be raised as pets and will breed with dogs.