The Mafia Is Not Primarily An Organisation Of Murderers. First And Foremost,The Mafia Is Made Up Of Thieves. It Is Driven By Greed And Controlled By Fear.
Between The Law And The Mafia, The Law Is Not The Most To Be Feared
"What if the Mafia were not an organization but a widespread Sicilian attitude of hostility towards the law?"
Lol Yogi. I forgot to add Too Short to the list of rappers. Very popular and I think tied in with the West Coast Rappers back then. Same with MC Breed & DFC was popular out here too.
Too Short song Don't Fight the Feeling Uhh I cannot put this song up. It would be very unlady like to do so but that song was played over here in the suburbs constantly.
As a diehard White Sox fan, I would be remiss not pointing out a big error I noticed...
One of the characters, Eazy-E, I think, is wearing a 1991 Sox logo hat in 1986.
Just sayen...
GREAT call
haven't seen the movie but I do remember when a Sox hat was the HOTTEST thing to wear...and it does add up to being after 1991. Never knew the logo was changed...just assumed that some celeb from Chicago started wearing it, and it caught on.
Yes gets when the White Sox changed the logo to what they have now that shit was flying off the racks. You was cool if you had a White Sox hat in those days.
Did they change the logo before or after Bo Jackson joined the team?
I still have the old magazines from that era....and NWA we wearing nwa, compton and Raiders hats..(The Raiders played home games in LA during the NWA era)
They made the Raiders hats and logo cool to the younger crowd until Ice Cube, as solo artist put an end to that
Again..haven't seen the film but know the story and Cube was clearly the smartest guy in the group
Stop giving juice to the Raiders/ Cause Al Davis never paid us/
Interesting to see just how much the culture has changed....corporations wanted nothing to do with hip hop back then though the music and artists were fueling the trends. I remember I didn't purchase Timberland products for over 20 years because of a NYTimes article/interview with the president where he was basically ashamed that the brand exploded because of the NY area hip hop artists.
Corporations and their marketing people are much smarter now.
I'm almost certain they already changed the logo by the time Bo Jackson came along to play for the Sox. I could be wrong, but I do remember him playing in the pinstripes and they didn't have them in the modern era until they went to that logo we are talking about.
As for Cube I agree, what many don't know about him was that he is college educated. I think Dre learned how to be a money maker from Cube (with the way Cube left and went solo and how he earned as much money as he did). Eazy really suffered with his lyrics after the D.O.C. and Cube was not with NWA any more. The D.O.C. was another name many folks didn't know until the movie and probably still don't know, but him and Cube wrote most to all the lyrics for NWA and D.O.C. wrote most for The Chronic when Dre went solo. And he's from the South to boot
Bo Jackson joined the White Sox in 1991 only playing about 20 games. The Royals released him in spring training after his hip injury gave him problems. He suffered a hip injury in January of 1991 in a playoff game between Raiders and Bengals.
After hip replacement surgery, Jackson sat out the entire 1992 Sox season recuperating with extensive therapy. He joined the Sox for the entire 1993 season in which the Sox played Toronto for the ALCS but loss. Jackson was an integral part of Sox success after a full hip replacement. Amazing.
The current White Sox logo and hat that is popular with the hip hop generation was debuted for the 1991 season to coincide with the grand opening of the new Comiskey Park. There has been little to no change to this uniform/logo ever since.
@Mark thanks.....the opening of new makes sense that they would change the logo to coincide with that
On a related note...some of the early nwa pictures show them wearing L.A. Kings gear, that team switched to black and white color uniforms and logos in 1988 to coincide with the arrival of Wayne Gretsky. When the movie comes out on dvd, gonna look to see if anybody in the 1986 scenes are wearing black Kings hats.
Saw the film yesterday, and they made the Sox hat goof in the OPENING scene, which made me not take the film seriously from the jump. It was a decent movie considering the amount of people and years they had to cover.
Hope the dvd version is mini series length and shows more of the story.
like F1 mentioned, Ice T is the pioneer of West Coast hip hop, and he is glaringly not mentioned once in the film....which makes no sense.
I thought the same Gets, it left out a good bit that I thought would be good and the whole movie just felt "rushed" in my opinion. Of course squeezing that much into less than 2 hours (or whatever it was) can do that. I'm like you and hope if they don't extend it, they put out deleted scenes.
I heard something about a follow up movie but without the same actors. I didn't like Dre's actor, but I did think Cube's son was spot on in looks and sounds almost.
Lol Yogi. I forgot to add Too Short to the list of rappers. Very popular and I think tied in with the West Coast Rappers back then. Same with MC Breed & DFC was popular out here too.
Too Short song Don't Fight the Feeling Uhh I cannot put this song up. It would be very unlady like to do so but that song was played over here in the suburbs constantly.
I was strictly an East Coast listening guy..except for Scarface,DOC and NWA until I had roommates who were from the mid west.
They literally had the best of both worlds...East coast music was played there and the artists toured....and West coast music was played there and the artist toured.
In buddy told me back then about NWA performing at Joe Louis arena? in Detroit and famously running off stage when they heard firecrackers.
I could never get into Too Short but was aware of his career. Mc Breed.s song was sort of a crossover hit...but couldn't get into his music either.He passed away a while back.
Re: Straight Outta Compton 2015
#859027 09/06/1505:55 AM09/06/1505:55 AM
Well i finally got around to watching this and thought it was a decent film. Very good acting from unknowns..
The Mafia Is Not Primarily An Organisation Of Murderers. First And Foremost,The Mafia Is Made Up Of Thieves. It Is Driven By Greed And Controlled By Fear.
Between The Law And The Mafia, The Law Is Not The Most To Be Feared
"What if the Mafia were not an organization but a widespread Sicilian attitude of hostility towards the law?"
I agree with how they made it seem like Eazy fell off.
Made it look like without Dre and Cube, he was falling onto hard times and desperately needed them back. Even though he had a lot of success without them plus had some good people up and coming on his label at the time. I think he had a good ear for talent.
Obviously, he couldn't top Dr Dre's The Chronic album, not musically anyway. But he held his own.
I think Ice Cubes son did a great job at playing his father though. He definitely deserved the part. I didn't care for the Eazy E character portrayed in the movie. Something felt off to me. MC Ren wasn't much of a factor in the movie either. Oh well. Only so much they could fit in one movie.
I too noticed the clothing was off for the time line. Some of the clothes they had them wearing in the 80s was stuff you were more likely to see them wearing in the early to mid90s.
Last edited by SoCalGangs; 09/11/1512:16 AM.
Re: Straight Outta Compton 2015
#859675 09/11/1512:44 AM09/11/1512:44 AM
If they were going to make two movies out of it, I think it would've been cool if they had a part one where they go into more dept in the early years of NWA and leave off around the time Dre leaves to Death Row and then part two starts around the time he drops The Chronic and detail the time when Eazy was firing back at Dre with diss records.
Whats wrong with having the original actors for the sequel, instead of changing them.
The Mafia Is Not Primarily An Organisation Of Murderers. First And Foremost,The Mafia Is Made Up Of Thieves. It Is Driven By Greed And Controlled By Fear.
Between The Law And The Mafia, The Law Is Not The Most To Be Feared
"What if the Mafia were not an organization but a widespread Sicilian attitude of hostility towards the law?"
The Mafia Is Not Primarily An Organisation Of Murderers. First And Foremost,The Mafia Is Made Up Of Thieves. It Is Driven By Greed And Controlled By Fear.
Between The Law And The Mafia, The Law Is Not The Most To Be Feared
"What if the Mafia were not an organization but a widespread Sicilian attitude of hostility towards the law?"
Well some were wearing fitted hats, back then you bought snapbacks if you were poor like we were Gets. You are right they were wearing them, but fitted caps were around then.
What I think is crazy is companies charging $30 for snapbacks now and people are buying them up thinking they are special. Probably doesn't cost them $3 to make a snapback and about $4 for fitted
Everything old is new again. Kids are wearing snapbacks again and you're right...produced and delivered for 3 bucks...retail for 30.
I only remember baseball players and guys from Harlem wearing fitted caps back in those days
Shame on the director or the fashion consultant (for the movie) in charge of that for getting it all wrong.
The reason why I was offended by them showing Eazy with White Sox fitted cap is because I remember this video from back in the day
especially the end(3:34)when NWA is walking off and filmed from the back with Cube wearing the juicy dripping jheri curl... WE JOKED about that for MONTHS.Everybody is wearing snapbacks. Rap music wasn't all over the place back then so it was a big deal to even see the we paid attention to everything (just notice ...Ice Cube seen rapping along to the lyrics that he probably wrote and didn't get paid for)
Eazy and crew were wearing jheri curls,weightlifting gloves, wrangler toughskin pants, the kinds of jackets that people wore at tradeshows/conventions
Their dress codes were TERRIBLE but the music was so powerful that we pumped it anyway
*look at the store signs behind Eazy at roughly 2:59 point....the pizzeria
"...the successful annihilation of organized crime's subculture in America would rock the 'legitimate' world's foundation, which would ultimately force fundamental social changes and redistributions of wealth and power in this country. Meyer Lansky's dream was to bond the two worlds together so that one could not survive without the other." - Dan E. Moldea