Okay, this is fascinating as FUCK. FWIW, Im actually living in FNQ (a few hours outside of Mt Isa) since Mrs Meatballs took a teaching position at a rural township. If I may ask, night_timer, are you connected in some way with indymedia? I understand that some have been pressing for Abbott and others to charged over what's going on on Manus, but find it unlikely, as you say, that any serving parliamentarians, let alone JP's, would have any real luck pursuing the matter.

As for false ABNs, buying judges has never seemed as prevelant here as in, lets take, Italy, per se, though definitely is a thing. But the political donation system here has been a shady rort for many years, despite so called "reforms" across states (and not to beat a dead horse, but I believe it's part of the reason the Calabrians have been able to thrive in our country, by cultivating allies across the political spectrum).

I watch with anticipation at what comes from these claims. FWIW, I thought I might know who you are IRL for a bit, but checking your post history made me reconsider.

Hey, do you know Renata? I gave her a fuckton of info a few years back, and never even got a thanks. Lesson learned though.
