Originally Posted By: PHL_Mob
Also Serp, on a side note, I remember in Leonetti's book he mentioned that Scarfo taught Chuckie the life and brought I'm up through it as he was a bit younger than Scarfo. The reason I mention this is because I think it's sort of significant in that if Chuckie's father was in the life then why wouldn't he have learned all about LcN from him instead of Scarfo and furthermore one would think that he would be more around and under his father as opposed to predominately being mentored by Nicky... Just a thought...

I am on the road ,but real quick . This is why I asked . I His dad may have been hit ,he could of left or just passed.

But know doubt he was around the life,don't think he was made cos it would be out there.

Chuckie was around many killings ...

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."