Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Originally Posted By: pmac
Gigante was locked up in 96 97 I think that guy tino the Greek who was big in the 90tys after doing 15 yrs probaly was the guy trying to kill merlino even read he call merlino to NY and merlino said I'm all set.

True and got very sick after and passed.
I don't know for sure but it sure sounds like Scarfo got in touch with Manna and Manna made a call to the Greek..

Who knows " but it happened..

I don't know much about Philly, Serp. That's your neck of the woods. But I like to think I'm pretty well versed about the Westside, especially that time period (the late '70s through the '97 when Vince went away, and a little bit about today).

Anyway, I've developed a passing interest in Merlino for the sole reason that when we're in Florida, he lives close by. What I'm driving at is, if Tino, Manna AND Vince wanted Skinny dead, he'd be dead. Period.

Oh, just for the record. Vince did get very sick in prison, but he didn't die until late '05 if I remember correctly. He was inside for a full nine years (including arraignment, denial of a bail package, etc.).

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