The first debate did not go well for race relations. They asked that question only to one candidate, who only vaguely answered it under 29 seconds, before they went to commercial and that was for Straight Out Of Compton which lasted under a minute. Funny ass shit huh.
That's hilarious

The GOP's biggest mistake was allowing itself itself to be taken over by religious extremists. The GOP once prided itself on being the big-tent party. Those days are long gone.
The GOP initially took the positions it did on social issues in order to fish for votes, and then found it couldn’t go back. Its like the old fable of the scorpion and the frog. There used to be moderate Republicans, and even pro-choice Republicans, but they have become completely marginalized within their own party.
I respect everyone's faith, and ask that they do the same of mine. But when people seek to impose their faith they impinge on my rights. And I take issue with that. Freedom of religion means freedom from religion. We all have the right to worship and believe as we wish, but religious freedom ends there. We must always keep the wall between church and state.