Believe whatever you want. This is what a successful cocaine dealer looks like:

$1.8B in drug money over 14 years in Chicago.

If you want to believe that anybody who was even a moderately proficient cocaine dealer would need to f$ck around with burglary, etc., I guess we have a divergence of opinion.

Part of the reason I think the Outfit is so weak is because of stuff like this. I do believe the guy was high up on Grand Ave. I also believe he seems to have been running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

Anyway, I have had people who I believe are very well informed tell me privately that they think I am pretty much correct with the gist of my assessment of the state of the Outfit, and that is enough for me. We'll never know.

You guys can keep stuffing every two bit third cousin of a mobster whose family now owns a tire store under "capo" and "consigliere" on new charts until you're blue in the face.