Originally Posted By: domwoods74
The majority of those Brooklyn guys who were in on the plot to kill Steve crea in the early 90s were shelved , it's a better solution , no headlines no bodies in the street and everyone keeps earning , apart from the guys shelved , it's a perfect solution to me , hurt them in the pocket and there still punished and disgraced also

Best post in this thread, Dom. These guys are sitting in Brooklyn without two nickels to rub together, washed up and broke at fifty, and completely unemployable. And to a street guy, that's a fate worse than getting popped.

I've said this before, and I'm not repeating it to be mean spirited because there are guys on this board who are much more "book smart" than myself. But you can NOT understand the street from a strictly intellectual point of view.

I don't care how many of the books you've read, how many comparisons you've made to the Roman Empire, or how many times you've read "The Prince." If you haven't been exposed to it, even peripherally, you'll never completely understand the way these guys think, or what their motives were for turning to crime. Period.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.