Originally Posted By: Lilange
hopefully the surf culture can hold them off.

It will. They're not going anywhere. They've been there forever. Surfers are practically the anti-hipster.

Plus, people in Long Beach already have money, so it's not like they're going to get priced out like in places like Williamsburg and other NYC neighborhoods that were blue collar just ten years ago. 22 year old kids from Ohio aren't coming into an ALREADY affluent town and pricing out the locals. No way, no how.

No, these carpetbagging kids invade the blue collar neighborhoods and price out fifty year residents on Mommy and Daddy's nickel. THAT'S the gentrification that has to go. Long Beach will be fine.

This Mayor is such a putz and so anti-cop that crime is going to go through the roof again. And when these kids start getting raped and mugged in the fringe neighborhoods that they're trying to change, they'll run right back to Anytown, USA. I guarantee it.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.