Originally Posted By: gangstereport
Originally Posted By: domwoods74
Why is it so hard to believe Scott has sources in law enforcement ?? In my opinion the guy is a very talented writer on the American mob and has co wrote one of the best books written on the American mob , I know a lot of people who enjoy and appreciate his articles and website , some posters on here just like to pick holes in everyone's stories and posts , that's more tiring than one of Scott's articles , get a grip

+1 completely agree

you nitwits are clueless. the fact that he speculates on attempted murder is not only libelous but completely unprofessional and dangerous. i got no beef with him. he is just another scribe that wishes it was 1987 to me.
and Anastasia got CRUSHED on here for ALWAYS rehashing stuff. make money not headlines in every fucking video.
i got no dog in the fight but Ray Charles can see whats going on.

When Interpol?