Originally Posted By: salvi62
Good luck filling an oxy script anywhere......

I had a serious shoulder infection and had a hell of a time filling percocet 5/325's. I went to four places and all of them were out of stock (the script was for only 16 pills!!!)

Good luck filling any blues (pure 30 mil oxy with no tylenol in them) these are the ones the kids like to snort, shoot or chase the dragon off tin foil.

The DEA really scared the shit out of all the doctors and pharmacies with all kinds of fines, throwing doctors in jail etc.

There was a time when I really thought that Nixon was a good prez. until I found out that HE created the fucking DEA.

You have no idea the shit those bastards have pulled down here in South Fl., Yeah I know the place was raining blues (oxys) but I also know people who are in serious pain and cannot get their meds ANYWHERE.

The Oxy days are over forever. Some of the people buying the H are former pain patients who just cannot get through a day they are in so much pain. Are they gonna pay 30-35$ for one blue on the street or go and find a couple of dimes in the hood????


Like I said, I live in Long Island, and my insurance covers my pain meds. I get a monthly supply of blues, 180 of them. All for my back pains. They aren't hard to find as long as you can prove to the pharmacies that you have legit health issues. Places like CVS, you can forget about, mom and pop drug stores get them, Walgreens too, you just have to be specific with the script. I know for me, my insurance doesn't cover the generics, only the real deal. So I have to be specific with Walgreens as far as my script goes.

And blues aren't oxys, the 30 mg's are Roxicodones. Their somewhat the same but Roxies are unequivocally stronger. And South Florida was known as pain pill capital at one point, so I can see the DEA restrictions essentially killing the practice down there.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 09/09/15 07:36 PM.