
perc 5's don't do shit.

We live under the illusion of freedom. Yeah, so they let you go out and vote once and awhile. But you get pulled over for a routine traffic stop and some asshole cop thinks he has PC to search your car. If they find just one of those perc 5's laying around you might very well wind up in handcuffs if its not in the original bottle with your name on it.

Thank heavens its never happened to me, but I've personally seen it happen to others.

My brother in law is doing 25 years for selling 50 vicodin. Hes in Hardee State Correctional in central Fl. He was a "three striker". Nothing violent EVER. He cashed a couple of stolen checks, got caught with some minor drugs, then they nailed hi on the vikes.

Please believe me when I tell you this. He was a meek little guy. Never been in a fight in his whole life. If you gave him a gun I don't think he'd be smart enough to know how to put the bullets into it. One time I told him if he came near my house I would personally break his legs. He called my Mother in law crying scared to death.

My point is HES NOT A DANGEROUS GUY. Just a real screw up. but he didn't deserve 25 years in jail. I think he should have done a little time (a few years) to scare him strait. The state of Florida and the DEA took his entire life from him.

You could go out , get drunk and kill a whole family and plead it out to vehicular homicide and still not get 25 years.

He had no money, got a shitty PDA and the dope signed whatever they put in front of him. Now his life is basically over.
