He wasn't a "dealer". He didn't have the brains to be a drug dealer.

Basically heres what happened. Some undercover DEA guys sent him into a house to sell 50 vikes. When he came out with the money (his cut was probably no ore than 20 bucks) they busted him.

Like I said hes stupid, but harmless.

He signed a bunch of papers that I'm sure he had no idea of what they were. They said he had a really bad PDA.

We have had a couple of lawyers look into his case. All of them said that he signed things that cannot ever be reversed or overturned.

I guess rule number one...don't sell drugs and if you do rule number two if you ever get popped NEVER sign anything.

Please people, I was glad at first when they locked him up because it stopped him from coming around always asking for favors. But hes done 13 years now and as the years pass I get madder and madder that they gave him such heavy time.

In prison he seems like a changed guy. I think hes more than paid for what hes done.

All of you out there with kids, put yourself in my Mother in Laws place. My Father in Law dropped dead of a heart attack two months after they popped him.

Any country that can lock you up for 25 years for 50 pills......Like I said before "The illusion of freedom".
