Originally Posted By: Belmont
I bit into a time released oxy about 10 years ago and was hugging the friggin toilet for 2 straight days. It was fuckin aweful.

that was back when the legit ones were still around.. the one you had the "time release" was nothing more than a latex like coating over the pill.. I know people who would just suck on them or run them under the sink for a few seconds and the time release would be completely removed.. that's why they were so fucking dangerous cause the time release was so easy to bypass.. that's why people loved them too. once you got the coat off you could shoot them, snort them or smoke them.. that's why they ended up reformulating them to what they are now.. now theyre stamped op instead of oc and theyre literally impossible to get through the time release.. its build into the pill now..need a pair of pliers just to break one in half.. pretty soon every pill is going to be like that so its pretty much "abuse proof". I always think about how much money the company must have lost since they reformulated the pills. crazy.

ive seen people do exactly what youre talking about.. people with little to no tolerance chew up a oc thinking it cant be that crazy its just 1 little pill and theyre face turns green after 30 mins and the only reason they can stay awake is cause theyre throwing up every 10 mins.. Can you fucking believe they used to make a 160mg oxycontin???? that would literally kill most people.. that's more than 5 30mg blues in 1 pill! so nuts.