I caught it Sunday night. Was a good movie but not what I call "accurate" in some spots. My thoughts:

1. The casting was pretty good minus Jesse Plemons as Kevin Weeks (Weeks was a big mf'er)

2. The movie made it seem like Whitey conrolled EVERYONE including Flemmi which wasn't true. From what I've seen, Flemmi was almost an equal if not one, and Weeks was more of someone controlled by Whitey.

3. They made it seem like Whitey done everything behind Winter Hill and even pushed the Angiulo's around.

That was just a few things off the top of my head that irked me but it still still a very good movie. It would have been better with more input from Flemmi and Weeks. Crap Billy Bulger got more airplay than Flemmi and Weeks. I also don't think Whitey killed Flemmi's step daughter he was banging either, and even the jury in Whitey's trial though thought the same.

I'm interested in seeing how they go with the new Whitey movie from Bulger, Damon and Wahlberg.