Interesting Wop" There has always been a rift between the two families (Persico's and Franzese i have said it a couple time in posts .
I have not elaborated on it because there is not much to it on my part.
There are always snide remarks from the Persico's friends and family.But the remarks have never came with a explanation after a comments.
But I did also hear about skimming and other things ,almost treason like, and they were all kept at a distance from then on.But that racket made a lot of money,and I don't get why there is not a dollar amount out there. The Feds put a dollar amount on all the bookies and then add a million !!!
I am pretty sure money kept Michael F alive , but he did kick much more then he was blowing ,I think he was watched closely so they could keep a eye on the dollar amount each week and that was a ton of cash.
Many of the guys in the family during that time were down south setting up lots of legit and other stuff . The money was flowing and they had to invest.
They had a good amount of guys down there back then for a small family.But they also invested in property in small towns in up state NY that they thought would be a good investment down the road and I think 9/11 did more for that then them getting lucky.
They are building now on land that was paid for back then and thats just one legitimate thing .
But if they are telling it like it was back then with the dollar amounts that money is still in someones coffers .
There is one thing I do know Michael F. was not being groomed to be Lil Allie Boy's under boss like the Franzeses tell it .
Last edited by Serpiente; 10/03/15 03:50 PM.