TIS i really enjoyed the episode. IMO it was probably one of the better ones.
Oh really? Different strokes I guess. LOL To me, it was my least favorite of all TWD episodes.

I don't think they needed an hour and a half to give backdrop story on Morgan. Got to the point when he kept saying "kill me", I wish they would have. I actually dozed off last 10/15 min. I'll try to watch again but am sure I'll be fast forwarding.
TWD IMHO spent too much time on Ghost Laurie (1 episode would have been more than enough) AND as much as I think the Governor was a great villain, and I liked him, they spent 2 entire episodes on him. I do think fans like to see Rick/Darryl, etc. ESPECIALLY after last week's episode with Glen dying. Just my opinion. Still my favorite show. I can forgive a couple not so good episodes.