Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
yea seriously The Wop wtf are you talking about with this Pagan bullshit. The most power or sway any biker gang has had is extorting strip clubs or a small business or two...This aint Fucking Sons of Anarchy you wackjob...To compare them to the Mafia even now is laughable. The Mob at its height controlled entire industries, affected every aspect nearly of daily life, influenced elections all the way up to the President of the US, and built cities. Even the fucked up Philly family currently has way more going on than the fuckin Pagans. And literally no one has ever said the Pagans were formed or built by Joey Merlino ever..They may have sold meth in conjunction with one another but that's it anything else is reaching at straws

The Philly mob may make more money than the Pagans in Philly (even that is debatable), but if it came down to it, the Philly mob guys would be destroyed by the Pagans if it came to violence