So far from what I have witnessed, rumored or read about organized crime the Mexican cartels have been the hardest or hardcore in organized crime history. The Medellin Cartel or Cali cartel didn't have soldiers confronting the state in shootouts to protect their captains or bosses like the Mexican Cartels nor did the Sicilian Mafia. These are some shootouts that I will describe what happened in those videos:

This was part of the famous death of Beltran Leyva and his henchmen vs the Mexican Marines: [video:youtube][/video]

2 cartel gunmen vs 10+ state police officers that resulted in 2 dead cartel gunmen, 1 civilian dead and 4 wounded state police officers: [video:youtube][/video]

Shootout aftermath between cartels resulted in 3 cartel gunmen dead: [video:youtube][/video]

Clip of Mexican Marines vs Gulf Cartel Tony Tormenta's security forces: [video:youtube][/video]

Random pics of alive and dead cartel soldiers/weapons/aftermaths etc.:

Anyway to embed Youtube videos?