Alrite just read NY daily the fucking guard who got pistoled whiped said the jury came to the right conclusion and the cousin gaspare was lying and wasn't there wtf. This shit is nuts. Asaro told his cousin to enjoy the government 3k ammonth I don't know what to believe. Was asaro really in on the heist. Maybe that's why massino didn't get on the stand he was surposed to say he was his capo Dec 78 but he didn't become a capo till after galante murder summer79? he already said that would be a conflicting statement. Jets suck. What the hell did sal vitale testify about my brother in-law told me some shit. Nuts. Hmike yaeh huge waste of money all them perp walk pics to the federal house and now his big ass smile across the news someones in trouble. And just my guess this guy is the most known mobster in NYC today cause of this good or bad probaly bad for anyone he's still hangs with. Will the social clubs let him in after he told the world he don't pay his dues ha-ha.
I love your random football updates in the middle of this post