Originally Posted By: SmearyGoose1768
Originally Posted By: mulberry
The Colombian drug gangs were in firefights with the military, including US special forces. Going up against the government is a good way to be wiped out. The smart thing to do is not to openly and brazenly kill government officials. The Triads and Yakuza have lasted centuries because of that. The Sicilian Mafia started killing judges and the backlash was harsh. They haven't killed any judges since. The Mexican cartels will be wiped out just like the Colombians if they keep this up.

This is BS. The Colombian (Medellin) Cartels were in bombing campaigns but they never had soldiers shoot it up Iraq style like the Mexican Cartels. They(Colombian) never had 20-30 convoys of trucks full of gunmen shoot it out with each other and government forces on the streets. The Medellin did close up assassinations with uzis(like any major OC) in back of motorcycles but never did they had firefights Iraq style with rival convoys of gunmen and government like the Mexican Cartels. That's where I'm trying to get here in this thread. There has never been an OC as the Mexican Cartel. The only ones close to them are the Prohibition mobsters/gunmen with their shootouts with law enforcement and rival mobsters but nothing close to the Mexican cartels.

You're clueless. Delta Force and the CIA were down there. It was full scale war.