Whip right on as usual .The unions down here are 30% of what they were just 15 years ago.
This has trickled down to the working guy to the point the most guys that are 55 that worked the 90's and 2000's are now out and retired.(all most forced out)

They have left due to new contracts and government guidelines and outside pressure and the economy.

The guy now will have to work 35 years to get a twenty year annuity.The work is just not there.

This has forced thousands of union guys out" to get a other income" and i am sure many has gone to the mob , but the the guys that have gone there are not you high ranking members they are the work force . (the regular Joe)

So if Georgie has union guys it's everything on the fringes from food truck to sports betting ...

I don't think he is infiltrating unions like the 80's

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."