Originally Posted By: mulberry
The only conspiracy theory about 9/11 is the government's fairytale fed to the sheep. You would have to be way too gullible and dense to believe building 7 collapsed on itself because of a tiny fire caused by debris. Watch the videos of it collapsing. You can hardly even see any smoke. There is no structural damage. The building goes straight down like in any controlled demo. Then you have 19 known terrorists allowed visas to enter the US? The CIA is part of the State Department that issues visas. The planes crashed into the buildings in fireballs and they can still find passports to identify the hijackers? Yet the blackboxes were all destroyed? LMAO!!! It's all a bad joke and only the sheeple are fooled.

Nicely said clap

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.